Sunday, April 22, 2012

Media and Body Image

Our culture today is constantly putting pressure on our body image! Body image is a term that represents how people feel, think, and behave in regards to their physical appearance. Our culture uses the media to give an idea of the ideal body and physical appearance that both men and women should have in order to be considered attractive. We are impacted by the media everyday! This could either be a positive or negative thing, depending on how people react to these pressures. Research suggest that media images lead to dissatisfaction with one's body. We are constantly comparing ourselves to the images that the media portrays as beautiful and fit. Have you ever felt like that before? It's an interesting idea to think about! The media shows the latest trends, clothes, weight loss programs, and "best bodies" on TV and ads all the time! The media impacts our culture's idea of attractive features and body types every day! Check out this article below. It has some interesting facts about the media and how it impacts women.

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