Friday, April 27, 2012

Physical Attractiveness in Professional Contexts

Physical appearance is important when it comes to professional contexts such as work places and school environments. There have been studies on how the physical attractiveness of students was a huge factor in how the teacher treated them. According to research, teachers treated the more attractive students more favorably and with more positive expectations than those students who were average-looking or less-attractive. Research also shows that teachers will be more lenient on better looking students students when they misbehave than less- attractive students. I find this research to be very interesting and almost alarming. This shows how physical attractiveness can either have positive or negative effects on a person's life. However, the research also points to students judging teachers based on their attractiveness. The students were likely to rate their teacher and class as better overall when their teacher was more attractive. Physical appearance also effects other professional contexts. In businesses, attractive blondes have been stereotyped as being unintelligent. Brunettes have been judged as more competent that blondes and redheads combined. Some studies show that attractive women earn more than lesser attractive women. These studies also show that more attractive men earn more than the lesser attractive men. The idea that physical appearance effects professional contexts and wages is incredible. This also goes along the the pedestal effect that gives attractive people an advantage in the work place!

Here is an interesting link from CNN that talks about how looks matter in the workplace and how they are affecting wages. Take a look!!

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