Sunday, April 29, 2012

Foreign Clothing

The United States is a melting pot of cultures from all over the world, yet we have developed our own distinct culture over the years.  Since people are constantly moving here from different countries you would think seeing those in foreign clothing would seem normal right?  Then why is it when we see someone walking the streets in sometimes vibrantly colored, very non-traditional American clothing it seems to catch our eye? No doubt this might be because it is the color that surprises us, but would you treat that person differently? A lot of people might say they are more cautious with their words so as not to offend someone new to our culture, yet we have no clue for sure that they are.  It is simply their clothing choice that makes us feel like we are speaking to someone completely different from ourselves.

Perhaps we feel like those dressed in traditional garbs of another culture means we should respect them more for not giving into the pressure to conform and staying true to their roots. Should we when we have no idea who this person is?  They might be a convict, or an all around rude person.  Who knows?  We want to hear from you! How would you act if you were in a situation like this?

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