Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Physical Appearance and its Impact on Interviews

We all know the stress of interviews and finding a job is quickly approaching! Your physical appearance is the first thing your interviewer notices when you walk into the room. Although, it is not the only thing the interviewer takes into account, but is definitely an important first step in the interview process. Here are a few tips, according to cultural norms and research, to remember when finding that perfect outfit for your dream job.

-When going to an interview, take into account your body artifacts. The less exposed tattoos and piercings are, the less your interviewer will be likely to stigmatize you.
-Look professional and modest. No matter what job you are applying for, you need to look professional and modest. The more clean cut you are, the more respect you will gain from your interviewer.
-SHOWER! :) No one wants to interview a smelly candidate.
-Minimize your jewelry and accessories. Simplicity is key.

Here are a few helpful videos and articles on how to have a successful interview! Enjoy!

The above link discusses how tattoos can be harmful for job opportunities!!

Are tattoos becoming accepted in society? Even if they are, how are they still affecting job opportunities?

Helpful interview attire tips!

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