Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Physical Attractivness and Relationships

Ever wonder how much of a role physical attractiveness plays in relationships? Well, physical attractiveness plays a huge role in relationships. According to research, people that are more attractive have certain advantages when it comes to initiating and developing romantic relationships. Physical appearance is one of the best predictors of physical attraction. People who consider themselves to be physically attractive strive to find a partner that is also attractive. These attractive men and women are very picky when it comes to finding an attractive partner, especially if they have many options. The matching hypothesis plays a huge role in physical attractiveness and dating.  The matching hypothesis states that people search for partners that are on the same level of attractiveness as they are. This hypothesis also goes with friendships and not just romantic relationships. However, this hypothesis does not always correspond to all relationships. Physical attractiveness definitely plays a huge role in relationships! Check out this link about the matching hypothesis below!

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