Friday, April 27, 2012

The Importance of Physical Appearance and Adornment

Maintaining an attractive physical appearance in general seems to be one of the most important needs for survival that follow behind food and shelter. According to research, the survival of the human race relies on the ability to attract other people because physical appearance is one of the key components of attracting a mate. In the United States, 82% of men and 93% of women are actively trying to keep an attractive physical appearance in order to attract others. In the United States today, people are constantly spending their money on clothing and beauty products in order to enhance their natural beauty. I know I am guilty of this, and I am sure that everyone else is too at one time or another! We rely on new products and fitness places to help us keep our physical attractiveness up!We want people to have good first images of us, so we try and make sure that we look good wherever we go. Although women seem to do this more than men, the majority of men do this too according to the statistics above. Appearance and adornment can make either a positive or negative impression on other people.

Here is a link that shows and example of some of the new fashion styles of 2012 that some people might go to to see what the new trends are! Everyone wants to look their best!

Here is another link that women would check out to shop and see more new trends and accessories. This is a good example of how people would try to keep their physical appearance to date!

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