Saturday, April 28, 2012

Physical Appearance and Retail

  • Have you ever gone into a retail store, not dressed your best, and the sales clerk not pay a bit of attention to you?  Maybe you had woken up late that morning and didn't have enough time to get fully dressed, or had just finished a grueling work out and needed to grab a quick outfit for your big night.  Regardless of the situation, the sales associate did not bother lending a hand.  Your next trip to a retail store, you are freshly showered, make up immaculate, hair in place, and wearing presentable clothing.  You don't even get one foot in the door and already have three sales associates asking how they can assist.  This is based on your physical appearance and the assumptions made by sales associates. 
  • The article, "An analysis of customer service quality to college students as influenced by customer appearance through dress during the in-store shopping process", conducted a study exploring customer appearance and the affect physical appearance had on customer service quality in retail stores (Paulins, 2005).  Subjects were instructed to chose a retail store of their choice, visit it three times, and dress different each visit.  The study found that the level of customer service differed significantly based on their physical appearance. 
  • If you are one who has never paid attention to this, next time you decide to go shopping, conduct your own experiment!  Go into a retail store not dressed accordingly and see what you find.  Then, go back wearing nice clothing and see the difference in customer service you receive.  It will amaze you!
  • Remember: First impressions are made based off of your physical appearance!  

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